Friday, January 9, 2009

Back In the Saddle

Well, I have spent most of the past two days getting back into the groove of things with my shops. I have listed many new items in both my ArtFire and Etsy shops--besides finishing the items, there is taking the pictures, editing the pictures and listing the items. It can be quite a process as many of you etsians know! I feel such relief to at least have my Valentine pieces out there! I have a number of other pieces ready to photograph and list as well... but one step at a time.
One change is that I pulled my ball chain from my shops. It is at a point where my fine customers have helped me pay for some of my bulk purchase by sharing it with me (thank you!), but I want some left for ME! :-) I don't feel that I want to make that big investment again. I have yet to be "in the black" with my supply purchases vs. sales, especially after my big ball chain investment! Sad but true!
And doing this means my house is a disaster! Can't seem to focus on both at the same time. Either my house looks decent and my shops are neglected, or my shops are updated and my house is out of control! *sigh* If someone has a magic balancing act to teach me, I would be so grateful!
I took some time of from my shops, I was feeling discouraged and overwhelmed--I really am having issues with balancing my "work" and home life. Plus post holiday, perhaps?? But I felt some renewed vigor and enthusiasm for what I do today!
So I guess I am back in the saddle!

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